Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The hazards of getting old

Rodney Dangerfield was right, "I can't get any respect around here." This last week my darling daughter and all our helpful secretaries gathered in my office. They wanted to give me a gift. I grew suspicious when the card said, "From all the staff except the stinkin' male ministers." I opened it to find a black tee shirt with a tiny counter where a pocket might otherwise have been, that simply said, "002". Then, emblazoned in the middle of the shirt were these words in bold print. "MORE PEOPLE HAVE READ THIS TEE SHIRT THAN HAVE READ MY BLOG!"

If that weren't enough abuse, Sunday I am sitting on the front row getting ready for our new contemporary service to start and a gentleman walks up, smiles and with great delight says, "Hey, buddy, they can take the tie and coat off of you, but they can't make you look contemporary." And I was absolutely sure the white belt and matching zip up boots would do it, too.

On a serious note, thanks for all the kind remarks you made regarding the preview of the contemporary service. Everybody that spoke to me about it, had a positive word to say. One elderly woman who I thought might not like it because of the increased volume said, "That was great, I could really hear the music." Even though the weather was kind of bad the attendance jumped 200 for the preview Sunday. Let's keep inviting our friends and pray that we see great growth in both services when they kick off on February 3.

Oh, by the way, thanks to my mom and whoever else is reading this blog.