Monday, August 18, 2008

Interview of the Presidential Candidates

Kudos to Rick Warren and Saddleback Church for having the insight and courage to host the Presidential discussion of issues this last Saturday night. How often have we heard that the church should stay out of the political arena, yet it was the church that hosted what many are saying was the most profitable, non-partisan discussion of the issues that has ever been held. The format kept candidates from trying to one up the other, or seizing the opportunity to make much to do about nothing. As I heard one news analyst say afterward, candidates didn't seem to be as cautious as they normally are in political debates because they trusted the interviewer. There were no "gotcha" questions. In case you missed it, each candidate was asked identical questions, completely unaware of what the other's responses were. And, thankfully, except for one or two hedges on each of the candidates part, the answers were pretty forthright.

What I liked best about the presentation was that it left the audience with some pretty clear choices. I felt as though I understood both men's perspective and now I am able to make a choice about which one I believe is best capable to lead us for the next four years.

If you missed it, I urge you to watch for a re-run in the next few days. It aired originally on Fox and MSNBC.